AI generated image of a therapy office with cats

Regulating Resolutions is in network with the following insurance providers:


Blue Cross/Blue Shield (BCBS)

Blue Care Network (BCN)

Medicare and some Medicare Advantage

Pending enrollment: Physician’s Health Plan (PHP).

Private Pay Fees

Intake, 53 minutes: $300

Standard Session, 53 minutes: $175

Prolonged ART Session, 83 minutes: $280

Why is an intake more?

Labor involved for an intake appointment extends about three to four hours beyond the actual appointment time, usually totaling about five hours. The intake process includes preparation after the free consultation call, coordinating scheduling and correspondence, the actual intake appointment, assessment, scoring and interpreting questionnaires, developing and writing a treatment plan, reporting paperwork and note completion, and other considerations and applications of theory and good practice for each individual client.

We cannot accept Medicaid, Cigna, or HAP policies. Please use the following resources to search for an appropriate provider who can accept your policy:

TherapyDen | Mental Health Match | Inclusive Therapists | Psychology Today